If you missed any of the Holy Week events, don't fret.
Palm Sunday (March 29) - Prepare your hearts and minds for Holy Week, by listening to the special music "The Power of the Cross", performed by Eryn Durlam, Zack Durlam, and Kelly Oslon. Maundy Thursday (April 2) - We remember the last night of Jesus' life and the Last Supper he shared with his disciples. Listen to Pastor Heidi's message here. Good Friday (April 3) - "Echoes of the Passion" Service. The story of Good Friday is filled with sounds, sounds that bring home the power & importance of this day. Our Good Friday worship service will center on a series of dramatic readings & those sounds; the crow of the rooster, the splash of the water Pontius Pilate used to wash his hands, the crack of the Roman whip that tore into Jesus' back, the metallic clink of the nails, the tumbling noise of the dice the soldiers played with, the ripping of the curtain in the temple & finally the silence of the tomb. The readings will be surrounded by hymns, special music and prayer. This is a powerful & moving service that helps Christians focus on all Jesus suffered for our salvation. Easter Sunday (April 5) - The greatest day of our Christian year celebrates the Good News of Jesus' resurrection and victory over death. Pastor Paul's sermon will center in on the power & truth of our proclamation of Jesus' resurrection. Please visit this page, or use the links above, to listen to the different messages of this important week of our faith. |
February 2020