Traditionally, Lent is a time of intense preparation for those who will be baptized at Easter. Candidates take a close look at scripture, faith, service, and generosity as they anticipate their new life in Christ. This Lent, we will dive into the waters of baptism as we remember who we are as God’s covenant people and as we explore the baptismal promises that we make when we Affirm our Baptism: At each of our Midweek Worship Services, we will consider these promises. Furthermore, throughout Lent, there will be ways that you can put these promises into practice. Come Easter morning, we will begin worship by Affirming our Baptism. As we celebrate all that Christ has done for us through his life, death, and resurrection, we will promise to continue in the covenant God made first with us when we were baptized. Dive in with us this Lent!
Baptismal Promise & Practice Live among God’s faithful people
Additional Information: Lent: Service Schedule Lent: Hear the Word of God Lent: Service Project Baptismal Promise in Practice:
Serve all people, following the example of Jesus This Lent we will gather supplies for and assemble “Blessing Bags” to be distributed to people who are homeless in Milwaukee through the Street Angels Group. Blessing Bag Donations February 26 Granola bars, individual nut or trail mix packets March 4 Travel-sized toothpaste March 11 Gum, Peanut Butter Crackers, or Flavored Water Packets March 18 Men’s socks March 25 Small Beef Sticks or Protein Bars * You can bring items in at any point! The weeks are just suggestions. Throughout Lent, we will also take donations of drawstring backpacks. Service Project Dates
Lenten Worship Calendar
February 26—Ash Wednesday, Dinner at 6pm, Worship at 7pm March 4— Dinner at 6pm, hosted by Adult Literacy Center. They will be serving a pasta bar. Worship at 7pm: “Live Among God’s faithful people” March 11—Dinner at 6pm, hosted by Lydia Circle (all donations to American Cancer Society. Join them for a baked potato bar. Worship at 7pm: “Hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper” March 18—Dinner at 6pm, hosted by Outreach in support of All Peoples Church. Yummy Sloppy Joe's are on the menu. Worship at 7pm: “Proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed” March 25— Dinner at 6pm, host by Handbells. They will be serving Sub Sandwiches with salad. Worship at 7pm: “To strive for justice and peace in all the earth” April 1— Dinner at 6pm, hosted by HYPE. Worship at 7pm: “To serve all people following the example of Jesus” Instead of talking about serving, we will serve! We will assemble our Blessing Bags as an act of service. Holy Week April 5—Palm Sunday, Worship at 8 & 10:30am April 9—Maundy Thursday, Special Worship Combined with Dinner, 6pm April 10—Good Friday, Worship at 7pm April 12—Easter Sunday, Worship at 6:30, 8:00 & 10:30am Additional Information: Lent: Living Our Baptism Lent: Hear the Word of God Lent: Service Project The New Testament in 40 days Sometimes, we may think that the Bible is best left in the hands of trained professionals. We might be intimidated by weird names, strange places, ancient times, and foreign rituals. Let’s see what we learn if we read together. You are invited to dive in and read the New Testament during the 40 days of Lent. See how each Gospel writer tells the story of Jesus. Learn about the first Christians. Gain wisdom for this life of faith as you hear Paul’s words spoken to communities in conflict or struggle. Each day includes about 200 verses of the New Testament. Chapter numbers are given after the names of longer books. If no chapter numbers are given, then the whole book should be read. Most daily selections can be read in 20-30 minutes. Sunday you can take a break or catch-up on your reading. The King James version is not particularly reader friendly. Instead, try the NRSV (the version we use in worship), the NIV, or The Message (very contemporary language). If you want more information on a particular book, check out Give it a try! Any amount of Bible reading is better than none. Consider taking notes on your answers to these questions:
February 2020