This September the people of Grace will participate in our second annual day of service to our community. Over 140 people were involved last year. We'd love to have even more out in service this year. "God's Work Our Hands" is the designated national day of service for our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The people of Grace will join our fellow Lutherans all around the country giving our time to help others. Our Schedule for the Day Worship at 10:00 a.m. - We will have one service that day. The theme of the service will be "God's Work Our Hands". Come dressed for work. Meal at 11:00 a.m. - Our volunteers are invited to eat at church before leaving for their work projects. There are a couple of groups that will need to leave right after worship, so bag lunches will be provided for them. Off to Work around Noon - We'll head out after lunch for an afternoon of service. Some activities will take longer than others. Get Involved!! - This is a great opportunity for individuals and families to get out in our community and help others. "God's Work Our Hands" is a good tool for parents to help teach their children about serving others in God's name. Our Projects for the Day We have a number of work projects all ready to go and are working on a some additional projects. This year they include:
We are working with the Grafton Habitat For Humanity project to see if we can send a work crew to the new building site behind Sendik's and we are looking to set up some small painting jobs at the homes of local senior citizens. You can sign up now for any of these projects. The sign-up sheets are located on a table in the gathering area at church. Aaron Rodgers will Understand Yes, it's a Packers Sunday, but you can record the game and watch it later. This is Why God Invented DVRs! There are lots of Packers' games. This is our annual day of service. So help others and make Vince Lombardi proud! Let's have a great day of helping others and serving our Lord Jesus Christ in our own community. It's God's Work that uses Our Hands. |
February 2020