Who Done In Mr. Z? A Murder Mystery of Biblical Proportions! Someone bumped off the infamous Mr. Z. You know him. Mr. B. L. Zeebul. He also went by the alias of Satan, the Devil and Lucifer. Mr. Z. was the boss of the SIN-Dicate. He made life miserable for a lot of folks. Now someone has returned the favor. The list of suspects is as big as the Bible. The question is, “Who could have pulled off?” Match wits with our Detective hero as he tries to figure out, “Who Done in Mr. Z?” Grace Lutheran Church 715 Sixth Avenue, Grafton Sunday, March 18th 8:00 and 10:30 a.m Here are the Prime SuspectsAdam and Eve – Mr. Z. pulled a fast one on them in the Garden of Eden and life hasn’t been the same for them since.
Cain – Their boy. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t learn much from Mom and Dad except how to fall prey to sin. He killed once (His brother Abel – remember?), did he do it again? The Seven Deadly Sins – They were Mr. Z.’s cronies at the SIN-Dicate Social Club – Pride, Envy, Greed, Anger, Gluttony, Lust and Sloth. Mr. Z. was their boss. Maybe one of them tried to muscle in and take over. Pharaoh – The king of Egypt was taken in big time by Mr. Z. He listened to his advice and ended up with heart trouble and about a million fewer slaves. (Check out Exodus for a refresher course on “The Fool of the Nile”.) Delilah – She had a hunk of a boyfriend in Samson. Then Mr. Z.’s stooges leaned on her to trap him, and she sold him out. Big mistake, leaving her the “woman scorned”. |
February 2020