While every week is a good week to be in worship, this Sunday’s sermon ties directly into something we do in confirmation. As part of our “FAITH 5” series this week I’m preaching on “Talk” – about how families can grow in faith by sharing “Highs and Lows” together and then tying them into God’s Word. We do this in confirmation class and we also families to practice this at home. There will be a lot of practical advice in the sermon, so please take the time to be here. See you on Sunday, Pastor Paul October 10th & 11th we are going to need the congregations help! Saturday, October 10th - We are going to be holding a rummage/tear down sale. If you are in need of any of the following items - come to Grace between 9-12.
Please note all items need to be taken away on Saturday. We are suggesting a free will donation for items taken to help contribute to the building project. We are also going to need a team of packers on Saturday. (Grace Packers not Green Bay Packers). If you are able to help, please be here between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. to complete the boxing up of all the items going into storage. Then on Sunday, October 11 - we are moving out! We need anyone with a truck &/or trailer or large vehicle to meet at church after the late service (approx. 11:30 a.m.) to make deliveries to the storage unit (by Family Sharing) & also drop off donations items. High School Students - There will be a lot of lifting, this is a great opportunity for you to help out! There more volunteers, the faster the work will go! (It is ok to DVR the football game or listen to the 1st quarter on the radio) **If you have any items stored at church that you want kept (Play Props, decorations, etc.) you have until Friday, October 9th to come & get them or they might be sold or thrown away.** |
February 2020