Who Done In Mr. Z? A Murder Mystery of Biblical Proportions! Someone bumped off the infamous Mr. Z. You know him. Mr. B. L. Zeebul. He also went by the alias of Satan, the Devil and Lucifer. Mr. Z. was the boss of the SIN-Dicate. He made life miserable for a lot of folks. Now someone has returned the favor. The list of suspects is as big as the Bible. The question is, “Who could have pulled off?” Match wits with our Detective hero as he tries to figure out, “Who Done in Mr. Z?” Grace Lutheran Church 715 Sixth Avenue, Grafton Sunday, March 18th 8:00 and 10:30 a.m Here are the Prime SuspectsAdam and Eve – Mr. Z. pulled a fast one on them in the Garden of Eden and life hasn’t been the same for them since.
Cain – Their boy. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t learn much from Mom and Dad except how to fall prey to sin. He killed once (His brother Abel – remember?), did he do it again? The Seven Deadly Sins – They were Mr. Z.’s cronies at the SIN-Dicate Social Club – Pride, Envy, Greed, Anger, Gluttony, Lust and Sloth. Mr. Z. was their boss. Maybe one of them tried to muscle in and take over. Pharaoh – The king of Egypt was taken in big time by Mr. Z. He listened to his advice and ended up with heart trouble and about a million fewer slaves. (Check out Exodus for a refresher course on “The Fool of the Nile”.) Delilah – She had a hunk of a boyfriend in Samson. Then Mr. Z.’s stooges leaned on her to trap him, and she sold him out. Big mistake, leaving her the “woman scorned”. With the new staff now set in place, it's a good time to let everyone know our normal schedules. Of course things can change, so it's always a good idea to make an appointment or call ahead, but these are generally when we are in the office with the exception of visits or other outside work duties.
The office is open Monday thru Friday from 9-12 and 1-4.
A pastor is always available in emergencies. Our cell phone numbers are always on the church voicemail recording- 377-4770. Please don't hesitate to call us if you need us. That is what we're here for. Palm Sunday is March 20
On this day, we remember the great celebration as Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem to shouts of praise and palm branches laid before him. We worship at our regular times of 8 & 10:30. Maundy Thursday is March 24 We gather at 7pm to hear the story of Jesus Last Supper with his friends, and we share those same words along with bread and wine when we celebrate Holy Communion that evening. Good Friday is March 25 This solemn and moving Tenebrae service begins at 7pm. As we witness the events of the betrayal, arrest and crucifixion of Christ, it gets progressively darker as candles are extinguished and the sun goes down. We leave in silence until we return on Easter morning, as the women did on that day that changed with world forever. Easter on March 27 Come to hear and celebrate the best news the world has ever received- the tomb is empty, Jesus rose from the grave and he promises to raise us, too! We have three worship opportunities that day. All will include Holy Communion and special music. Sunrise Service, 6:30 a.m.NOTE THIS TIME CHANGE! We are moving the service to 6:30 this year. Make a note of this! Handbells will be providing us with special music. Traditional Worship, 8:00 a.m. A service filled with beautiful Easter hymns, liturgy, and music by the Jubilation Choir. Celebration Service, 10:30 a.m. The Praise Team leads us this service of joyful celebration of the empty tomb. Invite your friends and bring your family to hear the resurrection story, and be filled with new life in Christ! Bring your change to church this weekend and come up to dump it in the bucket to help Missionary Meg.
We’re having a “Noisy Offering” to support Meg Boren, Grace’s very own medical missionary in Nicaragua. Meg does such great work improving both the health and education of the people in her community in Central America. Our offering of our change is one small way in which we can help her with all she does. Parents, have your kids bring some of their loose change (bills are fine, too!) to add to this offering. Let’s all rally around Meg and the work of Jesus Christ she does as a part of our Grace family! In Christ, Pastor Paul Pastor Heidi AIM Ruth In my sermon on June 15, I talked about Grace's participation in "Operation Inasmuch". This powerful Christian program gets large numbers of church members out in their community for one day of service and caring for others. You can learn more about the program at the "Operation Inasmuch" website: http://operationinasmuch.org/ We have chosen Sunday, September 7 as our "Inasmuch Day" here in Grafton, Cedarburg and Saukville. We will have one worship service that day at 10:00 a.m. followed by lunch at church. After lunch our Grace volunteers will head out and spend the afternoon on a variety of different projects. Our goal is to get at least 150 Grace members working that day. We've already had 100 sign up that they are interested in participating. What We Need from You We want you to be part of our work on September 7. There will be projects for all ages and some can be done by families. Our planning team is working to plan out a number of activities. Right now we are looking at:
Some of our activities will require funding to make them successful, so consider making a donation to Grace for "Operation Inasumch". Your Ideas are Needed We are looking for other ideas for other possible projects that day. We especially would like to know if you have an elderly or disabled neighbor or friend who might need some light home repair work or have some painting done. Such activities make great "Operation Inasmuch" projects. If you know of someone call the church office (377-4770) and let us know so we can start working to see if their needs can be met by our volunteers. Keep Your Eyes Open You will hear a lot more about "Operation Inasmuch" over the summer months. Talk about this with your family and friends. Invite others to participate. Let's make September 7 a great day of serving in Jesus' name! "For inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it to me." (Jesus in Matthew 25:40) Pastor Paul We refreshed the website to help you find things easier, as well as give it a more modern look and feel. Plus, we made the site look great on your smart phone too!. Just open the browser of your choice and go to http://gracegrafton.com. The website will be specially formatted for your mobile device!
We'd really like to hear your feedback on the new site, as well as suggestions for content. Please leave your comments below. |
February 2020