Palm Sunday is March 20
On this day, we remember the great celebration as Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem to shouts of praise and palm branches laid before him. We worship at our regular times of 8 & 10:30. Maundy Thursday is March 24 We gather at 7pm to hear the story of Jesus Last Supper with his friends, and we share those same words along with bread and wine when we celebrate Holy Communion that evening. Good Friday is March 25 This solemn and moving Tenebrae service begins at 7pm. As we witness the events of the betrayal, arrest and crucifixion of Christ, it gets progressively darker as candles are extinguished and the sun goes down. We leave in silence until we return on Easter morning, as the women did on that day that changed with world forever. Easter on March 27 Come to hear and celebrate the best news the world has ever received- the tomb is empty, Jesus rose from the grave and he promises to raise us, too! We have three worship opportunities that day. All will include Holy Communion and special music. Sunrise Service, 6:30 a.m.NOTE THIS TIME CHANGE! We are moving the service to 6:30 this year. Make a note of this! Handbells will be providing us with special music. Traditional Worship, 8:00 a.m. A service filled with beautiful Easter hymns, liturgy, and music by the Jubilation Choir. Celebration Service, 10:30 a.m. The Praise Team leads us this service of joyful celebration of the empty tomb. Invite your friends and bring your family to hear the resurrection story, and be filled with new life in Christ! ![]() Our Grace play is this Sunday at both worship services (8 and 10:30 am). "The Story Teller's Journey" follows two Pilgrims on their trip to find the fabled Story Teller. On their way they meet all sorts of interesting characters right out of Jesus' parables. "The Story Teller's Journey" is a fun and informative way to see Jesus' parables in a new light. Jesus gave us a lot of food for thought in his parables and we hope that our play will do the same thing for you. It is good family fun. Children will enjoy it so parents, please make sure you bring your family to see it. Also remember to invite someone to join you in worship on Sunday. Our play is a great way to do a little evangelism by inviting someone to worship. Who are these lovely young ladies??? Come to the play and you'll see how they fit into one of Jesus' parables. |
February 2020