Sharing Our Faith
Being a Welcoming Place |
Our final message on sharing our faith deals with helping us all make sure that Grace Lutheran Church is a warm and welcoming place. The sermon will talk about what it is like to visit a church or be invited to worship and what we need to do in order to make sure that people who come to Grace have a meaningful Christ-filled experience.
As we near the completion of our building program this is a good time for us to examine what we do right, what we do wrong and where we can improve in being a welcoming place. There will be lots of practical and eye-opening advice in the sermon. |
Dare to Share |
The "Sharing Our Faith" series continues with some practical ways we can talk to others about our faith with others. Looking at the story of Lydia, the first Christian convert in Greece (Acts 16:11-15), and also the story of Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), we will see how when people hear about Jesus they can be moved to share him with others. The sermon will discuss how we can bring up faith, learn to invite, put what we believe into our own words, and how our Christian actions can be the greatest witness we have in the world.
How'd They Do That? |
This is the second of our four sermons on how we can all become more aware of opportunities to share our faith with others and also gain the skills and confidence to do so. This week we will look at how and why the first followers of Jesus shared the Good News. We'll also examine how the first Christians lived in ways that showed to others the powerful influence Christ had on their lives. There are very practical lessons in these stories for all of us.
The Dreaded 'E' Word |
Evangelism is a scary word to lots of Christians. It's something many people don't know a lot about, don't feel qualified to do and don't think they need to do. It doesn't have to be that way. This week we will hear what the Bible says about sharing the Good News of Jesus with others. Our commands from Christ are simple and powerful. If his disciples could do the job so can we