![]() December is Advent and Christmas, the seasons when Christians remember and give thanks for the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have many special worship services this Christmas to help us honor Christ and hear the Good News of his birth. On Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24 there are three services. All of the services will include the beautiful candle lighting during the singing of “Silent Night”.
Christmas Day worship is at 9:00 a.m. This is a service full of music and celebration. We will also receive Holy Communion. Remember that children are invited to come to worship in their pajamas! There is one service on Sunday, December 30 at 9:00 a.m. This worship will also be filled with the beautiful music of the holidays. Come and worship our Lord Jesus this holiday season! Please make sure that wherever you are celebrating Christmas that you worship the one who is at the heart of all we believe. ![]() You're invited to join us at ROLLING RIVER RAMPAGE, where you'll "Experience the Ride of a Lifetime with God!" AUGUST 6-10, 2018 9:00am-Noon Each Day Grace Lutheran Church 715 6th Ave, Grafton 262-377-4770 VBS is open to students entering 3K-6th grade in the fall. Please complete a registration form for EACH child attending. Paper forms are available in the gathering area. Due to staffing requirements, this year we are limiting VBS to the first 150 students. Once we have reached 150 students, we will not be able to accept any additional students. Please register early! Register Online or submit a paper form. Who Done In Mr. Z? A Murder Mystery of Biblical Proportions! Someone bumped off the infamous Mr. Z. You know him. Mr. B. L. Zeebul. He also went by the alias of Satan, the Devil and Lucifer. Mr. Z. was the boss of the SIN-Dicate. He made life miserable for a lot of folks. Now someone has returned the favor. The list of suspects is as big as the Bible. The question is, “Who could have pulled off?” Match wits with our Detective hero as he tries to figure out, “Who Done in Mr. Z?” Grace Lutheran Church 715 Sixth Avenue, Grafton Sunday, March 18th 8:00 and 10:30 a.m Here are the Prime SuspectsAdam and Eve – Mr. Z. pulled a fast one on them in the Garden of Eden and life hasn’t been the same for them since.
Cain – Their boy. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t learn much from Mom and Dad except how to fall prey to sin. He killed once (His brother Abel – remember?), did he do it again? The Seven Deadly Sins – They were Mr. Z.’s cronies at the SIN-Dicate Social Club – Pride, Envy, Greed, Anger, Gluttony, Lust and Sloth. Mr. Z. was their boss. Maybe one of them tried to muscle in and take over. Pharaoh – The king of Egypt was taken in big time by Mr. Z. He listened to his advice and ended up with heart trouble and about a million fewer slaves. (Check out Exodus for a refresher course on “The Fool of the Nile”.) Delilah – She had a hunk of a boyfriend in Samson. Then Mr. Z.’s stooges leaned on her to trap him, and she sold him out. Big mistake, leaving her the “woman scorned”. We will have Food and Fellowship at 6pm before each Lenten service. Grace groups host by preparing and serving the meals. The menu is different each week. Peanut butter and jelly will be served each week also.
The groups use this meal as an opportunity to support their organizations activities and charitable causes. Watch for the donation baskets and what the donations will be used for. Please give what your able for their work.
Look for the sign-up sheets to donate beverages and desserts. Any questions or want to help? Contact Wendy Freeland at 262.707.9266. Children’s Christmas Eve Candlelight Service -3:00 pm
Celebration Christmas Eve Candlelight Service -4:30 pm Traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Services- 6:30 pm Listed above are three wonderful Christmas Eve worship opportunities offered at Grace. People of all ages are invited to gather at 3:00 pm for our annual Christmas Eve worship designed especially for families with young children and/or grandchildren. The theme this year is “The ABC’s of Christmas.” Old and young alike will have an opportunity to hear the story of Jesus’ birth. Invite your relatives, friends and neighbors to come along and once again experience the joy and wonder of Christ’s birth through the eyes of children. At the 4:30 p.m. Candlelight service we will worship the birth of Christ with a Celebration Service led by the Praise Team. At the 6:30 p.m. Candlelight Service the Jubilation Choir and Hand Bell Choir will be offering praise to the new born King during a more traditional service. All services will include Holy Communion. Christ came to the earth first as a baby. Christ continues to come to us through his body and blood in the bread and wine. Come and celebrate the best gift the world has ever received on Christmas Eve! ![]() Thanksgiving is not a Christian holiday, but giving thanks to God is a big part of being a Christian! Come to church at 7pm on Wednesday, November 22 for our annual Thanksgiving Eve service, followed by a pie social. Before you gather with your families around your tables at home, gather with your church family to be fed at the Lord's Table. It will be a special night as some of our young people will be receiving communion for the first time at this special service. Special music will be provided by our Jubilation Choir. If you're able to bring a pie, sign up on the sheet in the gathering area. And don't forget to bring a canned good or a monetary donation for Lutheran World Relief. Giving thanks and having pie? It's going to be a great night! Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 10, as we celebrate Rally Sunday and God’s Work Our Hands Day. Here’s what you need to know:
This Sunday, August 27, we are not holding our regular Sunday morning worship service at Grace. Instead we are going to travel to Milwaukee, to All Peoples, and worship with them at their 9:00 a.m. service.
Located at Second and Clarke, All Peoples is our partner congregation in the Greater Milwaukee Synod. For years, Grace and All Peoples have worked to support the gospel's work in Milwaukee. With the departure of Pastor Steve Jerbi, All Peoples is beginning the process of calling a new pastor to work with Pastor Aida Muniz. We are meeting at Grace at 8:00 a.m. to drive to All Peoples. If you want to ride with someone we can arrange that when you get here on Sunday. You can drop off your regular Grace offering before you leave. Worship is at 9:00 a.m. Worship at All Peoples is always lively and inspiring! Please plan to join us, especially if you have never been to All Peoples.You will find it a rewarding experience. ![]() All Grace members are encouraged to sign-up to help with one of our many service projects for the ELCA's annual "God's Work Our Hands" day on September 10th. We are joining our fellow Lutherans across the country in giving an afternoon to help others. We have a lot of opportunities for you to get involved. Several of them are "family friendly" where young children can be involved. Here is what we have: Milwaukee River Clean-Up: Last year high water kept us from doing a river clean-up, but we're going to try again this year by hauling debris out of the river along Lime Kiln Park. Wear close-toed shoes and shorts or a swimming suit. Bring some heavy-duty trash bags. Renovating the Nursery at All Peoples Church in Milwaukee: Volunteers will help with cleaning and painting to create a comfortable space for parents and young children. Blue Lotus Camp: This non-profit camp, serving those with disabilities, is only fifteen minutes from Grace. We need people to help with landscaping projects around the camp. Bike Ride for Outreach for Hope (on September 9): Raise money and get some exercise as you support this inner-city ministry of our Greater Milwaukee Synod. Gardening at the North Shore Academy of the Arts: We've done this in previous years as we help the NSAA (located in the old Grafton high school attached to the library) tidy up their garden area. Singing at Hamburg House in Grafton: Musician are needed to bring songs and joy to the residents of this group home. All ages can join in the singing. Cards and Crafts for Lasata: This is a great activity for families with young children! Helpers meet at church to make cards and decorations for the residents of the Lasata Care Center in Cedarburg. These gifts will be delivered at a later time. Ozaukee County Humane Society: Eight helpers are need for weeding and putting down mulch at the Humane Society's building in Saukville. A tour of the facility will follow. Feed Our Volunteers: We need a small group to help prepare the meal we will feed our workers before they head out. Sunday, September 10th is Rally Sunday at Grace. We will go back to our regular worship schedule of 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. with Christian Education at 9:15 a.m. Lunch for all our volunteers will be served at 11:30 a.m. and they will then go out to do their service projects. The Packers' game doesn't start until 3:25 p.m. so you will have lots of time to work! The sign-up sheets are located on tables in the gathering area. Please pick a project and get involved! Thank you to the entire Grace congregation for your support of VBS! We had an amazing week at Hero Central with 136 kids and over 60 volunteers "Discovering their Strength in God" each day.
Grace members did an amazing job inviting their friends and family and spreading the word about VBS. Countless people donated food, supplies and super hero décor. Thank you also to the numerous volunteers who helped with clean up on Sunday so we could get ready for Clara's funeral. It was amazing how quickly the church could be cleaned with so many helping hands! If you donated décor, please pick it up in the 3K Sunday School classroom (the one next to Luther). Thank you to all for a great week! Do Good, Seek Peace & Go After It! |
February 2020